Publication Opportunity

World Conference on Foreign Language Education

Avenues for Publication of Your Research Work

The 4th World Conference on Foreign Language Education (WORLDFLE) offers a unique opportunity to get your work published and viewed by thousands of peers, scholars, and members of academia across the world. We are committed to support you through your journey in research publication.

  • All accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN 978-1-914266-82-9
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from CrossRef
  • Proceedings submission to Google Scholar for Indexing
  • Publication opportunities in various Scopus and international indexed journals
  • Publication at Open Access Book

Plagiarism Policy & Publication Ethics

english teaching conference

The 4th World Conference on Foreign Language Education follows strict anti-plagiarism policies and, as such, checks every submission for plagiarism using Crossref Similarity Check Powered by iThenticate. All articles submitted to the conference first undergo a plagiarism check before being sent to our scientific committee for review. The submission will be automatically rejected at any time if found plagiarized. If you’d like to find out more information about the iThenticate software, click on the following link:

Conference Proceeding Publication

All accepted research papers will be peer-reviewed and electronically published in the Open Access Conference Proceedings and will be assigned Digital Object Identifier number (DOI) from CrossRef (DOI prefix). The Conference Proceedings will be published with an ISBN in a soft form.

The author(s) can share the paper link at all academic sources and author profiles. If your abstract is accepted for presentation and you have already registered, you are encouraged to submit your full paper.

Conference Proceeding Publication

  1. Register for the conference and present your work
  2. Apply all review comments on your manuscript
  3. Prepare your manuscript according to the template and guidelines
  4. Submit your final paper before the paper submission deadline
  5. Receive the DOI link provided by Crossref for your manuscript (DOI prefix)

The Organizing Committee of the 4th World Conference on Foreign Language Education provides you with the opportunity to publish your research paper in well-known journals. All papers will have publication opportunities in various indexed international journals including SCOPUS, DOAJ, EBSCO, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, COPERNICUS, and many more. After the conference, submission guidelines and detailed instructions will be sent to conference attendees.

The author must prepare the manuscript according to the journal guideline and submit it before the deadline. The organizer will assist you during the whole process to have your paper published with these journals. Especially, through collaboration with these journals, we will offer a unique opportunity for our conference participants to get their papers published in Special or Regular Issues of the journals.

foreign language conference

Open Access Chapter Publication

Following a publication Partnership with Open Access Books Publisher, chapter publication opportunities will be offered for conference participants.

Chapter Publication Process

  1. Prepare your accepted conference submission according to the Book Chapter Template
  2. Submit it via the online submission form
  3. Apply the Book Editor’s comments

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